Solid啟動器:SolidLauncher apkv2.3 最新游戲
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Solid啟動器:SolidLauncher apkv2.3

Solid啟動器:SolidLauncher apk
  • 應(yīng)用平臺:Android
  • 應(yīng)用大。2.6M
  • 更新時間:2016-05-30 10:36
  • 應(yīng)用版本:v2.3
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  • 應(yīng)用等級:5級
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Solid啟動器Solid Launcher的布局很新穎,卡片式設(shè)計(jì)桌面,桌面?zhèn)然舫鰬?yīng)用抽屜,添加部件也極其方便,是個漂亮玩意兒,另外一些功能解鎖可以嘗試LP一下。喜歡大家能夠喜歡。


• Fling widgets: open a floating widget by just swipping on an app's icon

• Header panel: an advanced dock which can contain apps, shortcuts and widgets

• Dynamic header backgrounds: cities headers change depending on period of the day

• Multiple header background options: none, dynamic cities, picture from gallery

• Material cards: multiple cards style available for grids and header panel (disables, dark, light or translucent)

• Custom applications transitions: customize transitions when opening/closing applications

• Icon packs: thousands of icon packs available, fully compatible with Apex icon packs

• Dynamic theme color: Solid can adapts theme color to your wallpaper or to Header panel background automatically

• Customizable launcher background: none, dark or light layer on top of wallpaper

• Gestures: double tap, swipe in multiple directions ...

• Customizable page animations

• Multiple page indicators

• Wallpaper scroll (parallax or regular)

• Multiple folder icon layout type

• Customizable icon appearance: icon size, text color, text font

• Customizable row and column counts: available for header panel and grids

• Multiple drawer themes: dark, light or night blue

• Customizable page count, customizable default page

• Hidden apps: select which apps you don't want in apps drawer

• Customizable margins: modify header panel and grids margins

• Multiple drawer layouts: choose between indexed grid or indexed list

• Quick search bar in app drawer

• Folder adapt their colors to their container (container's card ..)

This app is developed on my free time, you can support my work by getting Prime version. Thanks.

  • 包名:com.majeur.launcher
  • 名稱:Solid Launcher
  • 版本:2.3
  • MD5值:af4f6b8fd5a15978e825f99f7f060412


Solid啟動器:SolidLauncher apk v2.3





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